When things aren’t the way I expect them to be, I used to write poems to feel better. This is something I wrote a few years back, and I feel like sharing this now as my first post.


When Things Get Rough As They Sometimes Will


When things get rough as they sometimes will

When the roads you’re trudging seems all uphill

Find yourself a place where it feels like spring

Enjoy, have fun and forget the negative things


Look unto them like no one else does

Be responsible enough and keep yourself tough

Make it through the day, stand like a rock

Don’t let yourself worry about those you can’t stop


If you ever feel down, sad and uncomfortable

Or others may make you doubt yourself like a fool

Just hold onto something good and beautiful

Your faith, love, or a purposeful goal


Sometimes our situation plays us a trick or two

But our dreams are dreams and can still be true

As long as you believe and keep it with you

You can make it happen, just do what you have to do.


As a fan of poems, I always write what I feel and turn them into beautiful rhymes. This is one way to reduce my tension, make myself feel better and comforting.

I’m sharing this because I know that if I am experiencing life’s unfair advantage or some business challenges, I bet you do, too, right? What do you do when that happens?

I’ve listed a few things that I do that you may want to adapt. They’re not in order of priority but as for me, these are the things I mostly do in times of “storms”.


1. When I panic, I breathe in, pray, and make myself calm. As much as I can handle, of course.

2. I get my daughter, son, and hubby and ask for a kiss and hug. Knowing they’re with me makes me feel loved and secured. That’s what’s important for me.

3. Brew and drink my coffee while I think about why “that” happened. yes, the brewing process helps for some reason. Maybe because of the smell or the time I spend waiting while coffee drips into my cup.

4. Talk it off to me, my husband, and my closest friends. Of course, I need someone that will make me feel supported and correct. This is not always the case but that’s what I want, of course. 🙂

5. Go out, pay the bills, buy groceries, and get myself busy.

6. Eat a hearty meal. It helps me feel better, too. By this time, if I have a part in what happened, I would have already forgiven myself, I hope, depending on its gravity, or should be forgiving whoever is responsible.

7. Watch a movie and take me somewhere else. This gives me an extra ounce of happiness, help me make just decisions, and keeps my sanity, too.

8. Take a rest. I mean a whole night of really sleeping it off and leaving it all to the “divine power”.

9. I decide what to do with it. How to resolve using plan A, B, and C and all the letters in the alphabets if needed. If there’s no solution, as long as I did my best, I let it be and move on.

10. I guess you know what goes here, right? Of course, my poems…


Now that I’ve shared a few secrets, I guess it’s time that you share yours. What do you do when things get rough?